(Photo credit for the beautiful roses: Roman Kraft on Unsplash)

I was born in West Sussex and moved to Surrey when I was eight where I grew up on a smallholding and helped milk goats, tend to pigs, look after horses and run a small market gardening business.

My family moved to Wales when I was a teenager and we lived on a hill farm tending sheep, cows, pigs and chickens.

I got married in my twenties and had a daughter then moved to the Middle East eventually returning to England. I now live in rural Shropshire with my second husband.

I am a keen ornithologist which is just as well because the only sounds I can hear from my home (apart from the odd vehicle or barking dog) are garden birds. Paradise!

You can find more of my work at Rosy's Ramblings where I entertain my followers with a twice-weekly blog. I will never try and sell you anything, I promise, although I may try and persuade you to become a paying subscriber, but that's it!

I also have a website where you can find out even more about me and find a link to my book, which you can buy if you enjoy short stories and poetry.

Oh, and I absolutely adore fresh flowers, especially roses!

Connect with Rosy Gee
Rosy Gee

Rosy Gee

An author working hard towards becoming a full-time novelist. You can find out more here: http://rosygee.substack.com